The Fall Bulletin is now
available on the Bulletins page and check for the latest Board Meeting
minutes on the Board News page.
Check out the Community News page for information on the latest Culture
Committee Concert.
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NOTICE: You are advised to print
a copy of this page and keep it near your computer in case electrical power is
Emergency Contact Numbers
Service |
Company or
Organization |
Phone Number |
Fire |
Town of Secaucus |
911 |
Police |
Town of Secaucus |
911 |
Ambulance |
Town of Secaucus |
911 |
HC I Management |
(24 hr./7 day) |
Electricity/Gas |
800-436-7734 |
Water |
United Water |
800-422-5987 |
Telephone |
Verizon |
800-275-2355 |
Cable TV |
Comcast |
800-982-5590 |
Cable Internet |
Comcast |
888-793-0800 |
Animal Control/Rescue |
Town of Secaucus,
Al McClure, Warden |
201-330-2095 |
Plumber |
Pruzansky |
800-778-1176 |
M & M |
201-546-3705 |
Riteway |
201-864-1363 |
Heating/AC |
Climate Control |
201-487-5450 |
Richard Heinrich |
973-471-4214 |
Meadowlands Contracting |
201-974-2618 |
Electrician |
Dominguez Electrical |
201-988-4141 |
Tommy's Electric |
201-422-0950 |
R.E. & C. Electric |
201-854-3423 |
Locksmith |
Alert |
201-863-8200 |
A & R |
201-854-7013 |
NJ Locksmith |
201-864-5777 |
Carpet Cleaning |
D&B Carpet Cleaning |
800-244-35865491 |
Systematic Cleaning |
800-831-5345 |
Water/Sewer Line Freeze-up |
Meadowlands Contracting |
201-974-2618 |

Community Emergencies
 | Winter Storms
Each winter our area is at risk for severe winter weather, such
as severe icing or heavy snow. After any storm, where ice or snow
accumulation on streets, building entrances or paths occurs, Harmon Cove I
snow removal services will deal with the clean-up and safety related tasks
on a timely basis. The Town of Secaucus plows and salts Harmon Boulevard. Of
course, during declared storm emergencies, you are advised to remain in your
home and do not drive until streets are plowed.
During snow emergencies, parking is not allowed on Harmon Boulevard at any
time, unless there is a very rare concurrent flood emergency (see next
section). Streets and carport areas are plowed and salted on a rotating
schedule from storm to storm and from year to year so that each street gets
equal overall treatment in terms of receiving services first after a storm.
Carport areas are plowed as completely as possible. You must remove your
vehicles from the areas between the street and your carport as soon as
possible after your street has been plowed in order to assure that
your parking space is plowed. Please do not direct or offer payment to
our staff or contractors for these services.
If you have health problems or a disability and need assistance in removing
snow from around your car, or if you have any questions about the services
being performed, please call the Management office at 8670400.
 | Flooding
Infrequently, some flooding of streets and riverside paths can
occur within Harmon Cove I due to extraordinary high tide levels on the
Hackensack River caused by a combination of normal astronomical high tide
and winter gales (Nor'easters) or summer tropical storms or hurricanes. You
can feel confident that your home itself will be safe during such events.
Also, be assured that the Association has flood insurance to cover damage to
common building property, if it should occur.
If you are warned by Management, the Town Police or your
neighbors of a Flood Emergency, take the following actions:
1. Move all vehicles out of carport areas to Harmon Boulevard or any space
in any of the community parking lots.
2. Check carport storage rooms and elevate (at least 18" above the
floor) or move to your unit any of your possessions which may be damaged by
Wind Damage
It doesn't take a blizzard or a hurricane to cause wind damage to
our property a summer severe thunderstorm or strong sustained winter winds
can do the job. If you see damage to your building or tree or shrubbery
damage on the property, please call the Management office at 867-0400 and
report the location and type of damage.
If any storm causes major damage to our property, appropriate Association
and Town emergency response resources will be directed towards safety,
cleanup and repair efforts.
 | Loss of Electricity
In the event of loss of service to the whole community you will likely hear about via the media
and notices posted in carport. The service provider will restore service as
soon as possible.
It is also possible that a loss of service to a whole building or a
whole street could occur if underground wiring or transformers,
located at various locations on the property, malfunction. In this case, if
you have checked with neighbors, and they do not have electrical service, notify Management
and the service provider (see telephone list above).
During winter-time power outages, your heating system will not be
operable, as it requires both electricity and gas services. Therefore, since
all units have fireplaces, we advise that each unit keep a supply of
firewood on hand. The fireplaces are not designed to heat the whole house,
but can provide a source of radiant heat in your living room. You may also
use your kitchen gas oven as a heat source, if gas service is available.
Never leave gas stove top burners on as a heat source, unattended. In all
cases, it is advised that you open a window slightly to provide ventilation
when these alternate heating sources are used.
During all power losses, it is recommended that only flashlights and
electric lanterns be used for lighting. Candles are decorative, but should
not be used as a lighting source, unattended. You are not permitted to
attach portable electric generators of any kind to your house wiring.
Loss of Gas
In the event of loss of service to the whole community you will likely hear about via the media
and notices posted in carport. The service provider will restore service as
soon as possible.
It is also possible that a loss of service to a whole building or a
whole street could occur if a gas line break occurs within the
community. In this case, if you smell gas in the carport area or the street,
and/or you have checked with neighbors, and they do not have gas service, notify Management
and the service provider (see telephone list above).
Loss of Water
Community wide water loss could be caused by a number of
conditions arising beyond Harmon Cove, such as water main breaks or supply
contamination. Generally, such conditions are widely publicized by the media
and appropriate announcements are also posted in carport areas and on this
web site by Management. The service provider will make necessary repairs and you will be
notified concerning availability and usability of water.
In addition, the
water supply to sections of our community could be disrupted due to line
breaks on our property. Association contractors and/or the service provider
will repair the damage in a timely manner, and you will be notified
concerning service restoration by Management.
 | Loss of Telephone Services
Most telephone service losses will affect only your unit or your
cellular service, but community-wide service loss for an extended period is
possible due to events such as major storms. In the event that this occurs,
your emergency communications needs can be met within the community by
resident, Frank Mason, who resides at 220 Sandcastle Key. Frank has offered
his services to the community as a licensed state emergency radio
communications provider. Please respect the intent of this service. It is
for emergency communications needs only. In addition, even
though land line telephone services are lost, many cellular services may be
operational, and your neighbors who have such services may be able to assist
 | General Information
Be prepared for any emergency situation. The following web sites
are excellent resources for preparation and action information:
Red Cross Disaster Information, http://www.redcross.org/services/disaster/beprepared/
FEMA Disaster Information, http://www.fema.gov/pte/prep.htm. |
Office of Emergency Management (OEM) provides community situation and action
information during a declared emergency on Comcast Channel 35 or via phone
at 201-864-1061. |
Verizon Phone Directory Customer Guide contains a section on Emergency
Evacuation (page 44, in current directory). |
During Harmon Cove community emergencies, you may call the
Management Office at 867-0400 for situation
Note: cable TV and Internet service is not considered essential. But, any
service disruption affecting the community in whole or part will be detected
and repaired as soon as possible by Comcast. You are entitled to a lack of
service refund if you report your problem promptly to Comcast after such an
outage. |

Household Emergencies
- Ask
neighbors to stop using water until problem is resolved.
- Call
Rite-Way Sewer,201-864-1363
- Notify
Management office,201-867-0400
Try to find the source of the leak and turn off the water
- Call
Plumber to determine the cause of the leak and repair it.
- Notify
management 201-867-0400 of the problem.
If it is found to be an Association related problem, the
Association will assume responsibility for the cost of repair. The Management
and the contractor providing the service must verify this.
In most cases the leak is from a toilet seal or feed valve, old
grouting or a washing machine problem. Sometimes
lines to water purifiers, icemakers or dishwashers are the cause.
If the carport ceiling or other Association property has been damaged
due to a problem in the unit, the unit owner (source of water) is responsible
for repair costs.
Notify Management office 201-867-0400
Notify Management office 201-867-0400
Call Secaucus Department of Public Works, 201-330-2080
 | Inside your home – call P.S.& G., 1-800-436-7734 |
 | Outside your home – notify Management office, 201-867-0400
 | Check carport notices |
 | Call Management office 201-867-0400 |
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