Page 2 - Fall Bulletin

Sink drains in Harmon Cove I condominiums connect to the drainage pipe in the adjacent apartments; therefore, all problems in kitchen drainpipes affect the kitchen next door. While many companies will put a snake down the sink and get the pipe cleared, not all companies are equipped to do it in a manner that avoids damage to the adjacent condominium.
Rite Way Sewer and Drain (201-864-1363) uses the correct snake (with a drop-head) this decreases the chances of damage to neighboring pipes.
If a neighboring pipe is broken during repairs the unit owner ordering the repair is liable for the cost of damages.
Unit owners share the total expense
except where one of the units has a garbage disposal; the unit owner with the garbage disposal pays the full expense.

The procedure for any kind of back-up is for the resident to call  a  plumber, then notify the management office at 201-867-0400. We recommend Rite way Sewer  201-864-1363 because of his experience with Harmon Cove.

Harmon Cove I has passed a resolution barring the use of garbage disposal units. Our waste water and sewer hook-ups are not designed for their use. Current regulations  mandate fines for offenders

Any vehicle found in violation of the Harmon Cove I parking rules and regulations will be subject to the following:
First Offense - Warning;

Second Offense -
Adhesive sticker applied to vehicle;

Third Offense -
Towing of vehicle off site, at owners expense.

Monthly Maintenance payments are due on the FIRST day of the month
The management office will only accept PRE-payments. To save yourself a stamp, you may deliver  your check to the management office before the first of the month.
Please follow these steps when payment is made with management:
You may leave a post-dated check, provided the date is before the due date and no later then the last business day of the month.
Checks dated for the first must be mailed.
Please deliver your check no later than the last business day of the month.
Maintenance payments delivered to the management office after the 1st, but  before the 10th are subject to a $15.00 handling fee.
Maintenance payments received after the 10th of the month are subject to a $30.00 fee.
It is vital to the operation of our community that maintenance payments be received when due. Therefore to encourage year 'round prompt payment, the following sanctions will be imposed on anyone in arrears, until the account is paid up:
Use of pool and tennis courts will be denied.
Use of the Clubhouse as a delivery point for packages and mail will be denied.
Participation in community events such as New Years Eve party, color wars, etc., will be denied.
Should you have any questions pertaining to your maintenance account please call Sheryl Gould at IMPAC 1-800-624-4294 she will be glad to assist you.

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